Viktor Medvedevch Ukraine's Zelensky has offered to replace thepro-Putin mogul for the arrested Ukrainians.

 Viktor Medvedevch Ukraine's Zelensky has offered to replace thepro-Putin mogul for the arrested Ukrainians.

Viktor Medvedevch Ukraine's Zelensky has offered to replace thepro-Putin mogul for the arrested Ukrainians. Medvedev, one of Ukraine's richest men, is a controversial figure because of his close ties to Moscow.

 Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on Wednesday offered to replacepro-Kremlin mogul Viktor Medvedev, who was arrested by kyiv after escaping detention, on behalf of Ukrainians captured by Russia. Medvedev, 67, considers Russian President Vladimir Putin a particular friend and says the Kremlin leader is godfather to his youthful son, Daria.

 Ukrainian authorities blazoned Tuesday that they had arrested a prominentpro-Kremlin mogul who had escaped house arrest following a Russian attack. Zelensky shackled his hands and posted a print online of a scattered- looking Medvedevchuk dressed in a Ukrainian army livery. 

 "The Ukrainian security service carried out a special operation. Well done!"Zelensky wrote in a telegram. The head of the security agency, Ivan Bakanov, said that the agents had carried out a"multi-level,ultra-fast and dangerous special operation"to arrest thepro-Russian legislator. 

 Medvedev, one of Ukraine's richest men, is a controversial figure because of his close ties to Moscow. He has been under house arrest since last time on charges of disloyalty for stealing natural coffers from Russian- adjoined Crimea and handing over Ukrainian military secrets to Moscow.

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